Ben Mintz Sprinting Through Manhattan To The Barstool Office Is The Most Impressive Athletic Feat You'll See This Weekend

I am in awe. I guarantee you won't find a play in any college football game this weekend more athletic than Ben Mintz booking it through the streets of Manhattan to get to the Barstool office for the start of Picks Central. That man sustained a 4.5 40-yard dash pace for an entire avenue.

Mintzy wasn't planning on doing a show today, but things changed in a hurry and he needed to get to the studio posthaste.

It seems Mintz was saving his energy while still in Hoboken to be able to unleash it all once he exited the train station in New York City.

This man should be training for the 2024 Olympics. We're taking home every track and field gold with Mintzy repping the red, white and blue.

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